Do you love the challenge of building something amazing from scratch? Do new adventures call to you? Are you wired to make a difference with your life?
Discover how YOU can be a part of the Catalyst Church story as we prepare to impact Savannah for God. There is a place for you on the team where your unique gifts and passions can be put to use! You’ll laugh, have fun and connect with new friends on this incredible journey.
I can here the excuses! I am not that smart. I am all messed up and God can never used me. Well to that we say remember Jesus when he was building his launch team he found ordinary men that were fishermen, doctors and builders. They cursed and cut people ears off. Talking about a group of guys who were not the ideal candidates to be on Jesus launch team. But they were. And in the process God changed their lives.
Before Catalyst Church launches publicly later this fall we are gathering people who share similar passions to join the team and help make this new church happen. At this stage, we’re not necessarily looking for attenders. We need pioneers who can help blaze the trail with us in this important phase of our journey.
Our goal is to build 35-45 people who will get behind the vision and help get this church launched this fall.
Be Part of Something Amazing
No Experience Needed
We want to make it clear up-front that we’re not necessarily looking for seminary grads or “professional” church people. You don’t have to have a ministry degree or any church-planting experience at all to be a part of our team. We’re looking for people who love God and want to make a difference in our city.
If you would like to join us on this journey to impact Savannah, let us know and we’ll contact you soon!
Over the next few months before our official launch
Catalyst Church will need your help. During our
upcoming prelaunch meetings we will need volunteers.
Also we will need volunteers during the outreach
events we plan to host.
Areas Include:
-Catalyst Recruiters
-Social Media Moderators
-Ask Me Greeters @ launch meetings
-Phone callers
Launch Countdown!!!